Getting started with Clip-Two is easy. Whether you are a master of Sass, building a new app, or making your existing site responsive, we've got you covered.
Getting Started

What is Clip-Two Frontend?

Clip-Two Frontend is an advanced, responsive multipurpose HTML5 template built with Bootsrap. This template is mobile friendly and ready for you to customize it any way you want to use it.


To get started with Clip-Two Frontend Template follow the steps below:

  1. Download the latest version of Clip-Two
  2. Extract the Front-End Folder to your computer
  3. Upload all files and folders as listed below to your web directory via FTP
  4. Make sure you upload the required files/folders listed below (don't upload the master folder):
    • HTML/bower_components - jQuery plugins Folder
    • HTML/assets/css - Custom style sheet and layout Folder
    • HTML/assets/images - Images Folder
    • HTML/assets/js - Javacripts Folder
    • HTML/index.html - Home-Page and other site html pages
  5. Start adding your Content and show off your Brand New Beautiful Website in style
  6. Enjoy


Build your project with grunt and manage dependencies with bower.

Grunt is a "JavaScript Task Runner". "Tasks" are small file operations that you might want to do as a front-end developer or designer when you build a website. For instance, once you are done programming your CSS you might want to concatenate all your files so that you only have one file to serve as you go live.

This is just one of many different tasks you can use Grunt for, but let's start at the beginning.

In order to install Grunt You need to install Node.js and npm first.

Grunt needs to be installed and run from the command line, but there are only a couple of very simple commands needed to do that. You won't have to learn how to be a command-line pro in order to use Grunt, all you need to know is to type a few words, or where to look to find the right command. You can also always come back to this guide at any time and copy and paste them.

Open the your project folder in the terminal

Once you have Node and npm installed open your terminal and change the directory to your project folder.

On the Mac you can just type


into the command line and then drag and drop the project folder on to the terminal window. This will add the path of the project directory next to the cd you just typed. Hit return and you have changed to your project folder.

On Windows you will have to open cmd.exe and then type in

cd path\to\project\directory

and hit return to change into your project folder.


In order to be able to run Grunt from the terminal you need to install a little tool called grunt-cli. "cli" stands for "comand line interface". This program only needs to be installed once. It is installed globally so it is available on your computer everywhere. grunt-cli is used to actually run the Grunt installation that we just installed in your project directory locally. This just means that each project can use a different version of Grunt locally without worry.

From the project's root folder type

npm install -g grunt-cli

into the command line and hit return.

Installing Grunt plugins

Now we are going to install our Grunt plugins.

From the project's root folder type

npm install

into the command line.

Using Bower

Bower is a package manager for client side technologies. It can be used to search , install, uninstall web assets like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Of course, before we can actually use Bower, we’ll have to install it. This is easy. Use npm:

npm install -g bower

In order to install all dependencies of Clip-Two, from the project's root folder type

grunt bower-install-simple

into the command line.

Grunt Build Tool

This project supports build steps with Grunt. The supported Grunt tasks that this project ships with is:

  • Sass and Compass Compilation
  • Concatenate and minify js files.
  • Concatenate and minify css files.

To build your project, from the project's root folder type

grunt build:frontend

into the command line.

Local Server Development

You need to run a Local Development Web Server to start correctly your Clip-Two project, because ng-view and ng-include make ajax requests to serve the template file

From the project's root folder type

npm start

This will start a local server and open up your browser.

Clip-Two CSS

Getting Started With Clip-Two CSS

Clip-Two uses Bootstrap CSS that provides global CSS settings, fundamental HTML elements styled and enhanced with extensible classes, and an advanced grid system.

The Grid

See how aspects of the Bootstrap grid system work across multiple devices with a handy table.

Extra small devices Phones (<768px) Small devices Tablets (≥768px) Medium devices Desktops (≥992px) Large devices Desktops (≥1200px)
Grid behavior Horizontal at all times Collapsed to start, horizontal above breakpoints
Container width None (auto) 750px 970px 1170px
Class prefix .col-xs- .col-sm- .col-md- .col-lg-
# of columns 12
Column width Auto ~62px ~81px ~97px
Gutter width 30px (15px on each side of a column)
Nestable Yes
Offsets Yes
Column ordering Yes
Example: Stacked-to-horizontal

Using a single set of .col-md-* grid classes, you can create a basic grid system that starts out stacked on mobile devices and tablet devices (the extra small to small range) before becoming horizontal on desktop (medium) devices. Place grid columns in any .row .

Example: Mobile and desktop

Don't want your columns to simply stack in smaller devices? Use the extra small and medium device grid classes by adding .col-xs-* .col-md-* to your columns. See the example below for a better idea of how it all works.

.col-xs-12 .col-md-8
.col-xs-6 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-md-4
Example: Mobile, tablet, desktop

Build on the previous example by creating even more dynamic and powerful layouts with tablet .col-sm-* classes.

.col-xs-12 .col-sm-6 .col-md-8
.col-xs-6 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4
Offsetting columns

Move columns to the right using .col-md-offset-* classes. These classes increase the left margin of a column by * columns. For example, .col-md-offset-4 moves .col-md-4 over four columns.

.col-md-4 .col-md-offset-4
.col-md-3 .col-md-offset-3
.col-md-3 .col-md-offset-3
.col-md-6 .col-md-offset-3
Nesting columns

To nest your content with the default grid, add a new .row and set of .col-sm-* columns within an existing .col-sm-* column. Nested rows should include a set of columns that add up to 12 or fewer (it is not required that you use all 12 available columns).

Level 1: .col-sm-9
Level 2: .col-xs-8 .col-sm-6
Level 2: .col-xs-4 .col-sm-6

CSS Utilities

In addition to the default bootstrap css, Clip-Two includes classes that can help you speed up your development work

.no-margin margin: 0
.margin-bottom-0 margin-bottom: 0
.margin-bottom-5 margin-bottom: 5px
.margin-bottom-10 margin-bottom: 10px
.margin-bottom-15 margin-bottom: 15px
.margin-bottom-20 margin-bottom: 20px
.margin-bottom-25 margin-bottom: 25px
.margin-bottom-30 margin-bottom: 30px
.margin-top-0 margin-top: 0
.margin-top-5 margin-top: 5px
.margin-top-10 margin-top: 10px
.margin-top-15 margin-top: 15px
.margin-top-20 margin-top: 20px
.margin-top-25 margin-top: 25px
.margin-top-30 margin-top: 30px
.margin-right-0 margin-right: 0
.margin-right-5 margin-right: 5px
.margin-right-10 margin-right: 10px
.margin-right-15 margin-right: 15px
.margin-right-20 margin-right: 20px
.margin-right-25 margin-right: 25px
.margin-right-30 margin-right: 30px
.margin-left-0 margin-left: 0
.margin-left-5 margin-left: 5px
.margin-left-10 margin-left: 10px
.margin-left-15 margin-left: 15px
.margin-left-20 margin-left: 20px
.margin-left-25 margin-left: 25px
.margin-left-30 margin-left: 30px
.no-padding padding: 0
.padding-bottom-0 padding-bottom: 0
.padding-bottom-5 padding-bottom: 5px
.padding-bottom-10 padding-bottom: 10px
.padding-bottom-15 padding-bottom: 15px
.padding-bottom-20 padding-bottom: 20px
.padding-bottom-25 padding-bottom: 25px
.padding-bottom-30 padding-bottom: 30px
.padding-top-0 padding-top: 0
.padding-top-5 padding-top: 5px
.padding-top-10 padding-top: 10px
.padding-top-15 padding-top: 15px
.padding-top-20 padding-top: 20px
.padding-top-25 padding-top: 25px
.padding-top-30 padding-top: 30px
.padding-right-0 padding-right: 0
.padding-right-5 padding-right: 5px
.padding-right-10 padding-right: 10px
.padding-right-15 padding-right: 15px
.padding-right-20 padding-right: 20px
.padding-right-25 padding-right: 25px
.padding-right-30 padding-right: 30px
.padding-left-0 padding-left: 0
.padding-left-5 padding-left: 5px
.padding-left-10 padding-left: 10px
.padding-left-15 padding-left: 15px
.padding-left-20 padding-left: 20px
.padding-left-25 padding-left: 25px
.padding-left-30 padding-left: 30px
.no-border border: none
.border-right border-right-style: solid; border-right-width: 1px; border-color: inherit;
.border-left border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; border-color: inherit;
.border-top border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-color: inherit;
.border-bottom border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-color: inherit;
.border-light border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) (border with light color)
.border-dark border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); (border with dark color)
.no-radius border-radius: 0
.radius-3 border-radius: 3px;
.radius-5 border-radius: 5px;
.radius-10 border-radius: 10px;
.text-bold font-weight: bold;
.text-extra-small font-size: 11px
.text-small font-size: 12px
.text-extra-small font-size: 11px
.text-large font-size: 16px
.text-extra-large font-size: 18px
.text-orange color: #f58a5c;
.text-green color: #1fbba6;
.text-blue color: #5f8295;
.text-pink color: #dd5a82;
.text-purple color: #dd5a82;
.text-bricky color: #894550;
.text-yellow color: #ffb848;
.text-red color: #e66b6b;
.text-white color: white;
.text-dark color: rgba(44, 47, 59, 0.4);
.text-light color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
.text-left text-align: left;
.text-right text-align: right;
.text-light color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
.text-left text-align: left;
.height-155 height: 155px
.height-180 height: 180px
.height-200 height: 200px
.height-230 height: 230px
.height-250 height: 250px
.height-270 height: 270px
.height-300 height: 300px
.height-350 height: 350px
.min-height-155 min-height: 155px
.min-height-180 min-height: 180px
.min-height-200 min-height: 200px
.min-height-230 min-height: 230px
.min-height-250 min-height: 250px
.min-height-270 min-height: 270px
.min-height-300 min-height: 300px
.min-height-350 min-height: 350px
Generic Classes
.inline display: inline;
.block display: block;
.inline-block display: inline-block;
.no-display display: none;
.vertical-align-top vertical-align: top
.vertical-align-middle vertical-align: middle;
.vertical-align-bottom vertical-align: bottom;
.float-none float: none;
.noTransform -o-transform: none -moz-transform: none -ms-transform: none -webkit-transform: none transform: none


You can use these colors to customize buttons, text, backgrounds and more.

Dark Primary
Light Primary
Dark Azure
Light Azure
Dark Blue
Light Blue
Dark Purple
Light Purple
Dark Red
Light Red
Dark Bricky
Light Bricky
Dark Orange
Light Orange
Dark Yellow
Light Yellow
Dark Beige
Light Beige
Dark Green
Light Green
Dark Grey
Light Grey

You can choose between 4 types of headers while creating your pages:

  • Default

    Header with a white semi-transparent background & dark text. When scrolling the page and only if the screen resolution is higher than 992 pixels, the header becomes smaller and stay fixed to the top of the page

  • Transparent Header

    Add the calss .navbar-transparent to .navbar div to get Header with transparent background. When scrolling the page, the header shrinks and becomes white. If you want to change the logo in order to adapt it to the white background, add to it the attribute data-scroll-logo with the path of the new logo as in the example below:

    <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html">
    	<img alt="Clip-Two" data-scroll-logo="path/logo.png" src="path/alternate_logo.png"> 
  • Dark Header

    Add the calss .navbar-dark to .navbar div to get Header with a dark background & light text.

  • Header with Topbar

    Add a div with id #topbar inside the header tag to add additional elements to the Header

The image file of the logo is present within the a.navbar-brand tag

<a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html">
	<img alt="Clip-Two" src="assets/images/logo.png">

The Menu Container is present in between the commented tags <!-- start: NAVBAR -->

All the Footer content is enclosed in Footer tag

Animation Elements

To animate an element when it appears on the screen, the thing to do is very simple:

  1. Select the desired animation from the following classes:
    • bounce
    • flash
    • pulse
    • rubberBand
    • shake
    • swing
    • tada
    • wobble
    • bounceIn
    • bounceInDown
    • bounceInLeft
    • bounceInRight
    • bounceInUp
    • bounceOut
    • bounceOutDown
    • bounceOutLeft
    • bounceOutRight
    • bounceOutUp
    • fadeIn
    • fadeInDown
    • fadeInDownBig
    • fadeInLeft
    • fadeInLeftBig
    • fadeInRight
    • fadeInRightBig
    • fadeInUp
    • fadeInUpBig
    • fadeOut
    • fadeOutDown
    • fadeOutDownBig
    • fadeOutLeft
    • fadeOutLeftBig
    • fadeOutRight
    • fadeOutRightBig
    • fadeOutUp
    • fadeOutUpBig
    • flip
    • flipInX
    • flipInY
    • flipOutX
    • flipOutY
    • lightSpeedIn
    • lightSpeedOut
    • rotateIn
    • rotateInDownLeft
    • rotateInDownRight
    • rotateInUpLeft
    • rotateInUpRight
    • rotateOut
    • rotateOutDownLeft
    • rotateOutDownRight
    • rotateOutUpLeft
    • rotateOutUpRight
    • hinge
    • rollIn
    • rollOut
    • zoomIn
    • zoomInDown
    • zoomInLeft
    • zoomInRight
    • zoomInUp
    • zoomOut
    • zoomOutDown
    • zoomOutLeft
    • zoomOutRight
    • zoomOutUp
  2. Add the following code to the item you want to animate:

    <div data-appears-class="bounceIn" data-appears-delay="300">...</div>

    The data-appears-delay attribute allows you to use delay in milliseconds for the animation

To animate a group of elements in a row, however, proceed as follows:

  1. Enclose the elements you want to animate in a tag like this:

    <div data-appears-group-delay="0" data-appears-delay-increase="300">...</div>

    The data-appears-group-delay attribute allows you to use delay in milliseconds for all the animations within the tag

    The data-appears-delay-increase attribute allows you to set the delay to be added consecutively to all elements within the tag.

  2. Inside the tag, add the attribute data-appears-class to the elements to be animated:

    <div data-appears-group-delay="0" data-appears-delay-increase="300">
    <div data-appears-class="fadeIn">...</div>
    <div data-appears-class="fadeIn">...</div>
Components and Modules



The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.

Official Documentation


The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

Official Documentation


A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.

Official Documentation

Font Awesome

The iconic font and CSS toolkit

Official Documentation


Pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7

Official Documentation


An unofficial Bootstrap plugin to enable Bootstrap dropdowns to activate on hover and provide a nice user experience.

Official Documentation


jQuery plugin for tracking element's appearance in browser viewport

Official Documentation


Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions

Official Documentation


the last carousel you'll ever need

Official Documentation


Stellar.js - Parallax scrolling made easy

Official Documentation


A jQuery plugin that will count up (or down) to a target number at a specified speed.

Official Documentation


the easiest way to use Google Maps

Official Documentation


MixItUp - A Filter & Sort Plugin

Official Documentation


Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance.

Official Documentation

Changelog Entries

version 2.2 - July 6, 2016

  • NEW Angular Spectrum Colorpicker

    This module bases on the spectrum color picker and can be embedded in any angular project via dependency injection

  • UPGRADE AngularJS and Related Extras

    Version 1.5.7

  • UPGRADE Angular UI Bootstrap

    Version 1.3.3

  • FIXED Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes

    AngularJs Version and HTML Version

version 2.1 - Nov 11, 2015

  • NEW Angular Notification Icons

    Add notification popups to any element.

  • UPGRADE AngularJS and Related Extras

    Version 1.4.7

  • UPGRADE Angular UI Bootstrap

    Version 0.14.3

  • UPGRADE Angular-aside

    Version 1.3.0

  • FIXED CSS Bug in the main menu in Safari browser

    AngularJs Version and HTML Version

  • FIXED Bug in message search

    AngularJs Version

  • FIXED Optimizing the process of printing pages

    AngularJs Version and HTML Version

  • FIXED Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes

    AngularJs Version and HTML Version

version 2.0 - Sep 15, 2015

  • NEW Dynamic Tables

    Rremove/delete a table row dynamically

  • NEW Css3 Select Boxes with dynamic options

    Angularjs - dynamic ng-options.

  • NEW HTML5 Frontend Version

    Bootstrap based Powerful Template

    • HTML5 and CSS3
    • Bootstrap 3
    • 40+ Fully responsive HTML template files
    • Grid System and Responsive Design
    • Touch Swipe Support
    • Multi-column "mega-menu"
    • Mobile Optimization
  • UPGRADE AngularJS and Related Extras

    Version 1.4.x

  • UPGRADE Angular UI Router

    Version 0.2.15

  • UPGRADE Angular UI Bootstrap

    Version 0.13.3

  • UPGRADE Angular Translate

    Version 2.7.2

  • UPGRADE V-Accordion

    Version 1.2.7

  • FIXED bug in the closed sidebar

version 1.3.1 - Mar 27, 2015

  • FIXED scroll issue in small devices

version 1.3 - Mar 26, 2015

  • NEW Grunt build steps

    Grunt is a "JavaScript Task Runner". "Tasks" are small file operations that you might want to do as a front-end developer or designer when you build a website. For instance, once you are done programming your CSS you might want to concatenate all your files so that you only have one file to serve as you go live.

  • NEW Bower dependency management

    Bower is a package manager for client side technologies. It can be used to search , install, uninstall web assets like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

  • UPGRADE Change folder name and references

    The folder "vendor", which contained all the dependencies, now called "bower_components"

  • FIXED Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes

version 1.2 - Mar 14, 2015

  • NEW HTML version

    Clip-Two HTML Version with Bootstrap 3 & jQuery View

  • NEW Right To Left HTML version

    Clip-Two HTML Version RTL with Bootstrap 3 & jQuery View

  • FIXED Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes

version 1.1 - Feb 25, 2015

  • NEW Chat Directive

    An AngularJS Chat Directive exclusively for Clip-Two
    N.b. for best performance from version 1.0 you must replace style.css (assets/css/style.css) and _chat.scsss (master/sass/partials/_chat.scsss)

  • NEW RTL version of Clip-Two

    RTL is the writing system known as right-to-left (RTL) in which script runs from the right-hand side of a page and concludes on the left-hand side, such as in Arabic, Hebrew and Urdu.

  • NEW X-Editable Elements

    Angular-xeditable is a bundle of AngularJS directives that allows you to create editable elements. Such technique is also known as click-to-edit or edit-in-place.

  • UPGRADE AngularJS and Related Extras

    Version 1.3.13

  • UPGRADE UI Bootstrap

    Version 0.12.1

  • FIXED Mouse wheel scroll problem in IE

    From version 1.0 you must replace style.css (assets/css/style.css) and _top-navbar.scsss (master/sass/partials/layout-elements/_top-navbar.scsss)

  • FIXED Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes